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Lavender Star

(Grewia occidentalis)

1 3
IMG 5796
IMG 0263 rotated
IMG 5791

General Info

On occasion, the blossoms are succeeded by fruit with a berry-like appearance, arranged in sets of four along the stem
In the United States, the tree can primarily be found growing in southern states like Arizona, California, Florida, and Texas
Both livestock and wild animals graze on the tree's leaves and fruit, as do several species of butterfly


Prevent the soil from ever reaching a state of complete dryness, ensuring a consistently adequate level of moisture
They are highly susceptible to root rot, so planting in a high draining soil is essential
When watering, ensure you are allowing the soil to be thoroughly soaked in order to let all roots be saturated

Light Requirements

Your lavender star will appreciate a very bright spot with a moderate amount of direct sunlight
They are tolerant to less direct sun, but will thrive in a sunny spot
Keeping a high light level is crucial to the health of the tree, supplementing with a grow light can be necessary during the winter season

IMG 2076


IMG 3503 scaled


IMG 2559 Medium

Cacti & Succulent

IMG 3143 scaled


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