Photo taken by: Maulana Hasan
Photo taken by: R. du Plessis
The flowers emit their strongest fragrance at night, using their scent to attract moths for pollination
Plumeria encompasses over 300 different species, each with its own unique characteristics and flowering patterns
In Hawaiian culture, plumeria flowers are often used to create leis, which are worn or given as symbols of friendship, love, or celebration
This tree will appreciate drying out between waterings
When watering, ensure you are allowing the soil to be thoroughly soaked in order to let all roots be saturated
The most common mistake gardeners make with Plumerias is overwatering, as these plants prefer well-drained soil and infrequent watering
Plumeria will thrive in a spot will all day full sun a south-facing window is said to be an ideal position for this variety
They are tolerant to less direct sun, but will thrive in a sunny spot
Keeping a high light level is crucial to the health of the tree, supplementing with a grow light can be necessary during the winter season