General Info
This succulent shrub is native to South Africa, where it can grow up to 13 feet tall
The Mini Jade has very similar care to the Jade (Crassula Ovata) although the two are unrelated
The Mini Jade is the preference for bonsai due to its miniature foliage
One of the simpler trees, the Mini Jade makes the perfect first tree for a beginner thanks to its relatively simple care
The Mini Jade is a type of succulent it will store water in its foliage, making it very easy to over water and cause root rot
To prevent root rot, plant your Mini Jade a high draining soil
Ensure the soil is completely dry before watering, when in doubt allow the foliage to slightly wrinkle to indicate its time to water thoroughly
Light Requirements
Your Mini Jade will appreciate having a spot with full sun for as much of the day as possible
Providing a spot with adequate sun will allow for the foliage of a Mini Jade to turn red with sun stress- a desirable characteristic
Providing a South or East window will be ideal to protect the foliage from intense afternoon light, while still providing enough sun